Welcome to the Marple Newtown Amateur Radio Club

Weather and Information Net

The Marple Newtown Amateur Radio Club conducts a daily weather and information net at 8:30 AM on the linked W3DI repeaters. Internet connection is available via AllStarLink node 62654 and Echolink via K3MN-L. Click here for more Internet connection information.

Please join our team of Net Control Operators! We use an available script, and modify it as necessary. ALL LEVELS of net controllers are encouraged to join the team. Please contact KM4WSK, Erin Farmer, for information on becoming a net control operator.

Our Weather and Information Net has been on the air for over thirty years, virtually since the beginning of the club itself! Bill Richards (W3FTZ), now a silent key, was the Net's founder and the club's unofficial meteorologist.

The club is recognized by the National Weather Service as a Weather-Ready Nation (WRN) Ambassador. What is a WRN Ambassador? 

The National Weather Service Tells us that it is 

"an initiative of the U.S. Department of Commerce,

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

(NOAA), to strengthen partnerships with external

organizations towardbuilding community resilience

in the face of increasing vulnerability to extreme weather and water events."


Weather for Newtown Square, PA 19073

Click on the box for additional details